The Clipper Ice Sports hockey season is in full swing. CIS has a record number of children participating in hockey this season. Niverville is also fortunate to host a regional Bantam AA girls hockey team which features many local players.
Niverville will host three tournaments this season (Novice, Atom, and Pee Wee) along with the Rural Bantam Girls Provincial Championships in February, which will showcase some of the top Bantam AA girls in the province.
CIS is extremely fortunate to have a number of parent volunteers who help coach and manage the teams in order to make things runs as smoothly as possible. In total, there are approximately 40 volunteers, including some who take positions on the CIS Executive. Without these individuals, CIS would not be able to exist.
If you haven’t been to the rink lately to take in a game, please do so this fall and winter to support our local Niverville/Ste. Agathe hockey players. See you at the rink!