
The Citizen is a monthly newspaper, with a circulation of 6600 distributed free of charge to all homes and businesses in Niverville, Île-des-Chênes, New Bothwell, St. Adolphe, Ste. Agathe, Otterburne, Tourond, and Glenlea using Canada Post mailing. The paper is printed in Canada by Derksen Printers Ltd. Republishing of this paper in whole or in part without prior approval is strictly prohibited.

The advertising deadline is 5:00 p.m. on the 20th of each month. The paper is distributed the first Friday of each month.

Our commitment to the reader is to provide a professional and reliable means of communication that both residents and businesses will value. This newspaper is 100 percent supported by those who choose to advertise within it. Readers who support the businesses who advertise in this publication are also supporting the development and circulation of future issues of this newspaper. Together, we can help build stronger communities.

Our Team:

Managing Editor:
Evan Braun

Sales Manager:
Raymond Dowse

Operations Manager:
Cara Dowse

Design/Production Manager:
Dustin Krahn

Advertising Sales:
Dylan Zacharias

Full-time Writer:
Brenda Sawatzky

Contact Us:


Advertising Sales:

General Information:

Artwork/Ad Proofs/Graphics:

Time until next issue
Citizen Poll

In the face of tariffs, economic pressure, and talk of annexation from the U.S., are you making changes to your shopping habits to prioritize Canadian products?

For related article, see https://nivervillecitizen.com/...