Earlier this year, a committee of volunteers, now known as Friends of the Plex, joined forces with Niverville’s town council to assess our community’s recreation needs. It can now be confirmed that a year-round recreation multiplex is on the way.
“These community volunteers have been working tirelessly on everyone’s behalf,” says Niverville Mayor Myron Dyck, “and I thank them immensely for spearheading the planning and construction of these important investments in the future of our community.”
A telephone survey was conducted May 5–12 by NRG Research Group of Winnipeg. According to the data collected, Niverville residents identified three top priorities: a year-round multi-use recreation complex, a new splash pad, and a new arena. A full-scale outdoor pool and new curling rink ranked amongst the lowest priority projects.
98 percent of respondents indicated that the year-round complex will be an important investment in the health and well-being of the next generation. New facilities such as this one are badly needed to help Niverville, one of the province’s fastest growing communities, keep pace with surrounding towns of similar size.
“We’ve listened extensively to the community,” says Friends of the Plex spokesperson Kerry Church. “We have put together a master plan that will feature a trio of year-round recreation facilities—two new and one renovated. Once completed, these public spaces will offer residents of all ages access to a blend of recreation, sport, cultural, and community amenities to meet the needs of our growing community.”
The master plan remains under lock and key, but the Friends of the Plex have offered The Citizen a sneak peek. On the front page of this month’s paper is the first artist’s rendering of the complex.
Full details of the master plan will be unveiled at a community event on Wednesday, September 16 at Hespeler Park at 7:00 p.m. That announcement will include drawings and the specific list of facilities to be housed in the complex.
All levels of government will be asked to contribute financial support toward the project, which will also depend on private donations.