The St. Adolphe Winter Carnival, which has been a feature of the community for almost 40 years, took place over the last weekend of January in the community club.
Friday night kicked off with a kids dance for children up to Grade Four, followed by a youth dance for those in Grades Five to Nine. Saturday was filled with carnival games, a cribbage tournament, a hockey game played in the memory of Taylor Christensen, and a riot.
What’s a riot? “It’s an event for Grades Four to Eight with a variety of team-building games,” says Nicole Lindblom, the carnival coordinator. The riot was introduced last year and it was so popular that organizers brought it back. “The kids had a blast.”
Saturday evening ended with the annual social in Pioneer Hall. Sunday morning cooled down with the Family Funspiel at the Curling Club, and family bingo.
“This was a big fundraiser, as well as a community-building weekend,” says Lindholm. “Everything ran smoothly. Lots of people stepped up and helped out in many different ways from brainstorming, booking
deejays and bouncers, running errands, shopping, donating items, selling tickets, and working it throughout the weekend. It makes coordinating the
carnival so much easier!”
Lindholm adds that each St. Adolphe Hawks hockey team designates one parent to assist in organizing one event for the weekend, and minor hockey parents are expected to volunteer.