During these hot, dry summer days of August, the RM of Ritchot wants to remind residents to pay heed to their water consumption from now until September 30.
While the annual water conservation policy is not mandatory, the RM recommends that watering days be staggered during this time. Homes and rural properties with even-numbered civic addresses are asked to water on even days of the month. Odd-numbered addresses should water on odd-numbered calendar days.
“Watering during the morning and evening reduces the amount of evaporation that occurs from lawns, sprinklers, and soils,” reads a statement from the RM. “Watering is recommended between the hours of 5:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m.”
Residents with newly planted sod, grass, or seed may water over the next 24-hour period and then, over the following six consecutive days, should try and limit watering to the hours provided above.
Hand-watering and drip irrigation is not limited when it comes to trees, shrubs, and flowers.
Questions or concerns can be directed to the Ritchot public works department: 204-388-2142 or publicworks@ritchot.com.