The Niverville Soccer Club has just completed another successful season. The club had a total of 452 players involved this spring, all between the ages of five and 17.
209 of the players took part in the mini soccer program, which is run as an in-house league on the mini fields in the north section of Hespeler Park. 243 players between the ages of nine and 17 did very well and were competitive against other towns in the Eastman Youth Soccer League. The U17 girls won the league’s silver medal and the U17 boys won bronze.
At the time of this writing, the U10 and U14 age groups hadn’t yet completed their seasons and final tournaments.
If you happened to stroll by or bike through Hespeler Park on any given Monday to Thursday evening this spring, and even some Saturdays, you may have noticed a flurry of activity on all our fields.
The Niverville Soccer Committee would like to send a big thank you to all those who helped make this season possible. If it weren’t for coaches, refs, and managers, the committee couldn’t have provided all its players with such a great opportunity to develop friendships, participate in physical activity, and learn teamwork.
Some Niverville players are participating on Eastman soccer teams in the Manitoba Summer Games this August in Steinbach. Many will also be competing for our local high school soccer teams in the fall.