Ask almost anyone from Ste. Agathe or the municipality of Ritchot and they’ll know the name Jeannot Robert. It’s a name synonymous with giving back to the community and municipality through years of service, whether in business or local politics.
For the past eight years, Robert represented the municipality as councillor for Ward 3. In October, he bid a final farewell to council, ready to move on to new aspirations in his life. In part, his decision to retire was to make room for younger council members who have a lot to offer the municipality.
“It definitely is an adjustment to be off council where I have learned and enjoyed so much, but there comes a time to move along,” says Robert. “The municipality is fortunate to acquire Curtis Claydon as my replacement and I have all the confidence that he will not disappoint. I have known Curtis for many years. He is dedicated in all he undertakes and will bring results.”
Robert is pleased with the accomplishments of council during the years in which he actively participated to help build a strong and vibrant municipality. He’s witnessed unprecedented growth, many new developments with young families moving in, and the investment in new infrastructure in every community. Being able to work alongside others to see the completion of the Ste. Agathe fire hall brought his closing chapter on council to a gratifying completion.
“To past council members, I would like to say that I have enjoyed my time with you and I’m proud to have been a part of your circle,” Robert says. “To the CAO and all [municipal] staff members, Public Works, Water Works, you are so dedicated to your work and we are, as a municipality, fortunate you are part of us.”
For now, Robert says he is hoping to fill his free time with travel, relaxing at the lake, fishing, and visiting with family and friends.
“I want to thank the residents of Ward 3 for their confidence in me and acclaiming me each time,” Robert says of his years on council. “You are all, without a doubt, amazing, hard-working, honest, considerate people and I’ve enjoyed all of you. It was an honour and privilege to represent you at council and I did it with pride.”