A new community mural is up on the west side of the post office on Main Street Niverville, a beautification project that has been in the works for the last several months and which was announced over the summer.
The mural was produced by four local artists—Abigail Olfert, Elaine Krahn, Dustin Krahn, and CD Muckosky. They came up with their collaborative design earlier this year and have been working toward transferring the design to the final medium.
“It [is] an amazing piece,” says Shirley Hoult, of the Niverville Communities in Bloom committee.
The painted wooden mural has now been mounted.
Two other projects came to fruition this year, including the new Heritage Wall in front of the Niverville Credit Union parking lot, as well as the new pavilion in the Niverville Community Garden at the Heritage Centre.
“The fact that we’re getting so much support for these community projects, it’s something community members are having fun with and they like to see these projects happen despite all that is happening,” says Hoult. “To see that things are still happening on Main Street, in the community, the businesses and residents here are still pulling together and actively involved. I was overwhelmed by the support that’s been shown for all of these projects. I know it’s been an anxious and difficult time for people, but we need something to look forward to as well. We need to see good things happening—and good things are happening.”
She is also quick to thank the community and spread the credit wherever it is due, in particular to other dedicated volunteers, those who have donated to these causes, and a large grant from the Building Sustainable Communities Program.