In 2016, Niverville will once again participate in the provincial Communities in Bloom program.
Last year, the combined efforts of the town, business partners, schools, residents, and churches helped Niverville achieve three out of a possible five blooms. As part of the 2015 evaluation, the judges made specific recommendations for improvement and provided a summary to the business community and town council. The judges particularly felt that the development and implementation of a Main Street improvement plan would benefit the community at large.
Starting on June 12, the committee will again be recognizing Bloomin Businesses on a weekly basis, as well as naming the residential Green Thumb of the Week. Nominations are welcome (see below for contact details).
If you’re interested in joining the committee and have expertise in any of the following areas—history, environmentalism, landscaping, arborist/urban forestry, floral design, and general gardening knowledge—we would love to hear from you.
We also want to thank Growing Minds Daycare, the Heritage Community Garden Committee, the Girl Guides, participants in the Junior Gardeners program, and residents of the Heritage Centre.
Judging will take place this summer, on a date yet to be confirmed.