
High Schoolers Tackle Global Issues


1 High Schoolers Tackle Global Issues Pic3
Danae Ruchkall attending Steinbach Pride this summer Danae Ruchkall

Student: Madison DeLaronde
Cause: The Winnipeg Humane Society

1. What does your campaign plan to accomplish?
My goal is to become a part of the WHS volunteer committee and complete a minimum of 55 hours… where I dedicate my time assisting the foundation and improving each animal’s quality of life. I plan on investing a minimum of four hours per week in different departments where I can obtain knowledge via specific training methods to apply in the work environment.

2. Why is this cause important to you?
I have considered getting involved at the Winnipeg Humane Society in the past, but this particular Take Action Project motivated me to pursue the goal with an immense sense of compassion and determination. Animals have always held a special place in my heart and the fact that I get to set aside a few hours per week to get engaged and make a difference gives me great satisfaction.

3. What actions are you taking to get the word out?
I'm going to create awareness by printing out posters and hanging them around town (Subway, Bank, Co-op, etc.), making social media announcements (Twitter, Instagram, etc.), and promotion via word of mouth to friends and family.

Student: Megan Sawatzky
Cause: Raising money and accepting donations for kids in Ethiopia

1. What does your campaign plan to accomplish?
My goal is to collect a minimum of 100 hoodies, as well as $100 in proceeds. From November 23–25, Cristel Falk and I will be selling Jones bottles for $2.50 and baked goods for $0.50 apiece. I'm spending every Monday on this project at school, and if extra time is needed I'll be working on it at home. I will be collecting hoodies during the bake sale.

2. Why is this cause important to you?
Four years ago, my family adopted a boy from Ethiopia, so ever since then I've had a heart for the children of Ethiopia. Hoodies are needed because Ethiopia has really high elevation and at night it can get quite cold and kids need to keep warm. I think it's a privilege to make their lives a little better.

3. What actions are you taking to get the word out?
I plan on using posters, school announcements, and posts on Facebook and Instagram.

Student: Cristel Falk
Cause: Watato Child Care Ministries, Uganda

1. What does your campaign plan to accomplish?
I'm raising money for the Watoto organization in Uganda. The mothers there can only work so much to provide food and water for their family but can't afford clothing for their little ones… My goal is to reach at least $100. Megan Sawatzky and I are selling Jones bottles and baked goods at NCI November 23–25.

2. Why is this cause important to you?
I saw the Watoto choir perform in New Bothwell. Many kids shared their story and that's what motivated me to help in a way to make their lives a little better. It's important to me because I love kids, and for me to make their life a little better or easier is a huge privilege.

3. What actions are you taking to get the word out?
I plan on making posters and posting them throughout the school, as well as [making] school announcements.

Student: Nicholas Stratychuk
Cause: Wells for people who don’t have clean drinking water

1. What does your campaign plan to accomplish?
I hope to collect a minimum of $250 before winter break (December 21) for the Let It Flow organization ( This organization builds water wells for people who don't have access to clean drinking water.

2. Why is this cause important to you?
Clean drinking water is one of the essentials to living and there's lots of people in the world who don't have access to it.

3. What actions are you taking to get the word out?
I will put up posters around the school for students to see, and put something on the announcements asking for donations.

Student: Danae Ruchkall
Cause: Education and awareness of LGBTQ issues

1. What does your campaign plan to accomplish?
There are currently 561 students and 57 staff members at NCI. I want everyone in our school to at least hear about my Global Issues project, so it can encourage more positive conversations surrounding this subject. I hope that through further education, more people will value a wider sense of diversity.
On December 9, there will be a schoolwide rainbow dress-up day in support of the LGBTQ community. I am also going to set up a display in the front lobby of our school in the morning that will stay up throughout the day. This display will provide information about the topic. There will be posters, pamphlets, and books for whoever wants to learn more. Also, 400 free rainbow wristbands will be available for any students or staff who would like one.
It is significant that I chose December 9, because it is the day before National Human Rights Day.

2. Why is this cause important to you?
I attended the first-ever Steinbach Pride Parade on July 9 of this year, which sparked my interest in this topic. I am very passionate about all things surrounding human rights. I believe that one of the most important things to remember is that we are all human. No matter what race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc., everyone deserves to be treated equally and with respect.
I officially decided to pursue this topic for my take action project when I was looking on and I found an article about our school division titled “Hanover School Division stands behind policy prohibiting LGBTQ issues in classroom.” The article is about a mother who requested a change in policy because she was worried about her child being bullied for having same-sex parents, and Hanover School Division decided to keep their policies that middle school teachers cannot discuss same-sex relationships in the classroom. By making the subject untalkable, we are creating fear in the minds of young people. This is something that exists in the world today and should be acknowledged

3. What actions are you taking to get the word out?
I am going to advertise a week before my event. I am going to create posters to put up on the bulletin boards and I will ask teachers if I can put them up in their classrooms. I am going to create an announcement that will be read every day that week. I am going to create an Instagram post with all the information about my Take Action Project and post it on my personal account because a lot of the students in our school follow me. I am also planning on asking to put a write-up on the school website about my project.

Student: Riley Fast
Cause: Cancer research

1. What does your campaign plan to accomplish?
For my Take Action Project, I am having a basketball tournament at NCI. The tournament will happen sometime in January, with the Varsity team [playing] against another Varsity team. My goal is to sell out all of the tickets so the entire gym is full (preferably a gym full of people wearing pink T-shirts).

2. Why is this cause important to you?
I was motivated to have a basketball game for cancer research because someone
very close to me has cancer and a basketball game is a good way to get the community together for a good cause.

3. What actions are you taking to get the word out?
I will make posts on Facebook, put posters up around the school, invite family
members, and tell people to spread the word.

Student: Sarah Lindsay
Cause: Siloam Mission

1. What does your campaign plan to accomplish?
For my Take Action Project, I am collecting products for Siloam Mission throughout the month of November. I am collecting clothes, winter clothes, hygiene products, and money. More specifically, I'm looking for jackets, hoodies, scarves, mittens, pants, boots, etc. I hope to collect 100 items of clothing. I am planning on having my donation box in the lobby of school and collect through my school as well as through family and friends in my community. I am targeting all grades throughout my school, along with staff members.

2. Why is this cause important to you?
I am motivated to reach out to Siloam Mission because they are such a great organization that continues to make a difference in people’s  lives. As winter comes closer, a lot of homeless people are without proper clothing that protects them from our harsh weather  and it's important to give what you can… This subject is important to me because in previous years I've been a part of multiple drives for different women's shelters in Winnipeg.

3. What actions are you taking to get the word out?
I am going to be announce this every day at my school, make posters to hang up in the school and in classrooms, and use word of mouth by going into these classrooms to help reach my target audience. I can also get teachers to give announcements to their classes. I am planning on also using my personal social media to raise awareness on how long I am collecting and what I'm collecting. I'll be contacting my family and friends to help contribute and putting up an ad on my school’s website to help reach the students' parents as well.

Student: Mariah Fehr
Cause: The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at St. Boniface Hospital

1. What does your campaign plan to accomplish?
I plan to collect donations for about two weeks, from November 1–15. My goal for donations is to collect a minimum of $200. All donations will go towards the purchase of sleepers and receiving blankets.

2. Why is this cause important to you?
I chose this particular cause because I was born three months early at St. Boniface Hospital at two pounds, 13 ounces and had to spend the first three months of my life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. I know how terrified my parents were because they didn't know whether or not I would make it. It makes me feel good that I can help other children and families in this position. Whether it's something big or small, it can have an impact on their life.

3. What actions are you taking to get the word out?
I am going to raise awareness by putting posters around the senior hallway and hand out cards to Grades 5–8 so they can bring them home and discuss it with their parents. I'm also going to put it on announcements and on social media.

Student: Nicholas Tunny
Cause: The Homeless Centre in Steinbach

1. What does your campaign plan to accomplish?
I hope to collect a minimum of $30 for the Homeless Centre by selling cookies at the school for $0.50 each. Leftover food will be donated to the homeless after the bake sale.

2. Why is this cause important to you?
My former resource teacher, Irene Kroeker, works at the Steinbach Homeless Centre and when I talked to her about my idea to do a bake sale, she was very supportive and was glad to take any kind of food or little money to the people who are in need. Every little bit helps.

3. What actions are you taking to get the word out?
I am going to raise awareness for my cause by putting posters on the bulletin board in the school hallway and advertise on the school intercom five consecutive mornings before the fundraiser takes place on Wednesday, November 9. I will also make a note on the school blog. 


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Time until next issue
Citizen Poll

To what degree do minimum wage increases, or the switch to a living wage, benefit the economy and low-income earners here in Manitoba?

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