The holiday season is upon us, and for many this can be an overwhelming and stressful time. Whether you’re challenged with the added expense of food and gifts, an overflowing calendar of events, or by difficult family dynamics, many are simply left depleted and emotionally exhausted.
But there are proven ways in which we can limit our anxiety and actually enjoy the festivities. The key is in breaking down each challenging task into manageable bites and smaller steps. This begins with changing our perspective.
We can actually change a stressful and negative situation by changing our thoughts and attitudes toward it. When we choose thoughts of understanding, empathy, and compassion, first toward ourselves and then toward others, we can stop participating in the emotional drama that has robbed us of joy and instead experience contentment and inner peace.
We should try to develop an attitude of gratefulness for the time we’re in instead of looking to the days and weeks ahead. Living within our means and being thankful for what we have can increase our own creativity and thoughtfulness toward others.
Oprah once said, “The key to realizing any dream or goal is to focus not on success but significance… and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning.”
It is our job to determine what’s actually worthy of our thoughts and attention. If we give our thoughts and attention to negative situations, then these need to shift. Choosing a positive attitude will result in drawing positive people and experiences to us. We can then begin to understand that the significance we place on each thought, attitude, and choice determines the path we’re presently on. Choosing the small victories today will set the course for an even better tomorrow!
These consistent and collective little wins can carry us up and over the molehills and eventually lead us up to the mountaintops of our desires.
May we wisely choose our thoughts and actions and so experience a very blessed holiday season.