
We Are All Guilty


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This commentary contains direct quotes from social media that some readers may find offensive.

Not too long ago, I heard about a trainer at the RCMP depot in Regina who had a great lesson for his cadets, one that adds an interesting perspective to what is a very difficult job. While focusing on the various aspects of policing, he reminded the cadets that a large portion of the actions they would be arresting or ticketing citizens for were offences they themselves had committed at one time or another.

While few of us have committed murder, we have all made wrong choices.

I don’t know what this trainer’s true intent was, but I do know that this perspective would help cadets to feel empathy for others, even while allowing crimes to be viewed for what they are: wrong. Working in a profession that’s centred around looking for the wrongdoing of others, empathy is vitally important. It would be all too easy to become jaded and see people only for the wrongs they commit. It would be all too easy to lose one’s faith in humanity. And with the situations our men and women of law enforcement face, it’s all too easy to understand.

As citizens, we don’t necessary view others through the same lens—through the lens of their worst choices—but we are often exposed to the consequences of people’s poor choices. When crime hits our neighbourhood, we are forced to face and focus on these consequences and all the feelings that come with it. Fear, anger, and frustration are understandable reactions to the feelings of invasion, violation, and helplessness that come from being victimized by crime.

But when we step over the line into dehumanizing perpetrators, we lose our empathy. It’s easy to cross into dangerous territory, especially when we go online and refer to someone who’s committed a crime as “a little shit” or suggest that “they should have just been put down on the spot.” The roles of the police, the judge, and the jury have been kept separate in our democracy for a very good reason. In fact, the only places where these roles are merged are military dictatorships.

Even more dangerous is the failure for us to see that this is inappropriate on a basic human level. The people committing crimes, whether they’re kids or not, are not “assholes.” They’re people facing challenges we likely aren’t aware of, challenges that are leading them to make poor choices. Poor choices just like the ones we all make in some form every day—period. We are all guilty of indiscretions, although we likely see our own indiscretions as smaller or less significant or impactful.

Many people won’t agree with what I just said, but let’s try putting it in perspective. Perhaps your crime is speeding, or tailgating, or failing to use your signal when turning. Are you an “asshole” because of that? Would you appreciate it if the police officer pulling you over referred to you that way? Likely not, and I suspect if they did you would file a formal complaint against that officer, and indeed that officer would be placed on administrative leave.

Your choice to speed, to tailgate, or not to use your turn signal could kill me or kill a member of my family, though. So am I justified in chasing you down to “put you down on the spot”?

Every day we make poor choices that impact others. We may get lucky and our own choices may have a limited impact—this time. But at the root, we are all guilty. We are all “little shits.” When our choices impact others, or have the potential to impact others, we should face a consequence for that. But facing these consequences won’t achieve our universal goal as a society to help people change their behaviours. We cannot forget about the people behind these actions.

Next time I witness one of you making a poor choice, I will try to remember that. God willing, you will do the same for me.


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